“If you can’t say anything nice…”
I’ve had a blog post ready to release for the past few months, and continually vacillated on whether to publish it. I finally decided not to hit the upload button.
The article was about information; more specifically, it was about how people allow their biases and prejudices to affect what information they collect and how they interpret it. Frankly, and in spite of seemingly endless re-writes, it was a pretty scathing article. And I just don’t have the stomach for that kind of pot-stirring these days.
I’d rather focus on positive things we can do to make our lives better, but just as importantly what we can do to make the lives of the people around us better, too. That’s where I want to focus my energies.
In the meantime, for those of you who observe Christmas as a religious holiday, I hope you have a meaningful celebration. For those who see it primarily as a secular event, I wish you merry festivities. And for those who do neither, please enjoy your Chinese food!
-=[ Grant ]=-
- Posted by Grant Cunningham
- On December 22, 2021