Defensive Revolver Fundamentals, 2nd Edition
with foreword by Massad Ayoob
I’ve studied the revolver extensively, carried one for self defense for almost three decades, and even learned how to modify them for better performance. Years ago, when I went looking for books on how to use the revolver in self defense, I found very few really good options — so I wrote my own!
Time doesn’t stand still, and neither does a book. In the years since I wrote Defensive Revolver Fundamentals, I’ve learned even more about self defense with a firearm, but more importantly I’ve learned how to better teach.
That’s why I’m proud to announce the new Second Edition of Defensive Revolver Fundamentals! Everything I know about using the double action revolver, and how to teach you what I know, has gone into this newly expanded, comprehensive book.
In Defensive Revolver Fundamentals 2nd Edition you’ll be able to step inside my world and learn how to run the revolver like an expert. It doesn’t matter what brand or barrel length, you’ll learn how to operate your revolver as a premier self-defense tool.
This new edition is packed with information:
New chapter: responsible gun ownership
New topic: retrieving the staged revolver during a defensive encounter
Significantly updated topics:
- Harnessing your natural defensive reactions to improve your responses
- Making better decisions in the heat of the moment
- Structuring your shooting practice to get the most out of your limited time Legal and ethical concerns in self defense in the 21st century
Expanded, clearer explanations:
- Precision, accuracy, and what they really mean to defensive shooting
- The important tradeoff between time and precision
- Dealing with the threat of multiple aggressors
- Fast and efficient reloading
Plus all the information that made the first edition so popular:
- The most valuable skill: how to control the revolver’s trigger
- The revolver’s surprising advantages as a defensive tool
- Why you should fit the revolver to your hand
- The proper way to grasp the revolver for rapid double-action shooting
- Using the revolver’s sights (and how to deal with those that are less than ideal)
- Drawing your revolver in an emergency
- How to choose a good defensive training course
…and you’ll find much more packed into the pages of this new, expanded edition!
The “six shooter” isn’t obsolete, and I’ll show you just why it isn’t. If you have a revolver in your house, or if you carry one for self defense, Defensive Revolver Fundamentals 2nd Edition will teach you how to use it properly, efficiently, and effectively!